Dr. Milind B Ratnaparkhe

Dr. Milind Ratnaparkhe is a Principal Scientist (Biotechnology) at ICAR-Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore, India. He has over 25 years of research experience on soybean and other legumes. His research involves identification and characterization of key genes associated with biotic and abiotic stresses, seed composition traits and root trait architecture. Through whole genome sequencing and comparative genomics his group has identified Rpp1 genes for rust resistance in soybean. He has conducted research on disease resistance gene cluster in soybean associated with bacterial blight and soybean mosaic virus. This research analyzed impact of polyploidy on the evolution of gene clusters and on soybean genome evolution. Current research focuses on functional genomics studies in soybean for abiotic stresses. In addition he is also working on genome wide association studies on anthracnose and charcoal rot resistance. Dr. Ratnaparkhe is a member of Editorial Board of various journals in genetics and genomics and is a Co-editor in Chief of Soybean Research Journal. He has edited Book on Soybean Genetic, Genomics and Breeding.