Gemini Delle Vedove

Dr. Gemini Delle Vedove is a senior researcher in ‘Agronomy and Field Crops’ and lecturer in Organic Farming at the University of Udine (Italy).  The research activity focused mainly on Agro-Ecological practices (i.e., Conservation Agriculture) aimed at more sustainable crop/soil management.

Soybean was the main crop studied (varieties, sowing dates, plant density, relay-intercropping with winter cereals). Soybean was also evaluated in terms of Net Biome Production in Minimum Tillage and Conventional Tillage cropping systems. More recently, a chlorophyll-deficient soybean variety was tested as a possible strategy for bioengineering albedo manipulation to mitigate radiative forcing and to adapt to climate changes.

He is now leading WP 1 of the EU2020 Smart Protein project. The objective of WP1 is to “Assess the suitability of Quinoa, Faba bean, Lentil and Chickpea crops grown under regenerative organic farming systems in different regions of Europe”.